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Thank you for your participation!

In this study, you will read a short conversation among World of Warcraft guild members that took place on their website several years ago. Your task is to rate how you think and feel about one of the members of the guild. We are interested in the impressions you get about one particular member. 

This study should take approximately 5 minutes

In order to participate in this study:

  1. You should currently have an active World of Warcraft account or you must have had an active account at some point. 
  2. You should have some experience raiding end-game content (10-25 man dungeons) - This is important as you will be reading about a raiding guild and we need you to know what they're talking about.
  3. You should also be able to speak English fluently.

Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous.

We also kindly ask that if you have participated in any previous P-Lab studies regarding WoW that you do not participate in this current research (it could bias our results!). Keep on the lookout for more HITs!