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Parents Survey

Page One

Welcome to the parents survey and thanks for taking the time to participate in this mini research study.

It will take about 5 minutes to complete the 34 questions.

This survey is for parents with a child/children 5-11 years of age at primary school. It is not suited for those that home school.

All information provided is anonymous as no personal details such as email or name are collected.

There are no right or wrong answers. For each question simply click on the answer that best describes you and your situation. At the end be sure to click on submit.

Thanks again for your participation in this research project.
Jedha Dening.
Masters in Nutrition (currently completing)

1. How many children do you have between the ages 5-11 years at school? *This question is required.
2. How often do you pack a lunch for your child/children for school? *This question is required.
3. Do you provide fresh fruit as a lunch box snack?
(Apple, banana, orange, etc) *This question is required.
4. If you answered Yes to the above question, How often do you provide fruit as a lunchbox snack? *This question is required.
5. Do you provide vegetables as a lunch box snack?
(Vegetables are things like carrots, celery, beans, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, capsicum (bell pepper), hummus or other beans and legumes) *This question is required.
6. If you answered Yes to the above question, How often do you provide vegetables as a lunchbox snack? *This question is required.
7. What is your family’s annual income? *This question is required.
8. What is your level of education? *This question is required.
9. What is your age bracket? *This question is required.
10. How often do you provide snack money for the school canteen/shop? *This question is required.
11. Eating vegetables is enjoyable *This question is required.
12. It is important to enjoy the food you eat *This question is required.
13. I don’t have time to prepare a healthy lunch *This question is required.
14. Overall I don’t have sufficient time *This question is required.
15. I have the skills to prepare vegetables in creative ways that my child/children will enjoy *This question is required.
16. I have good cooking skills *This question is required.
17. It is expected of me to provide packaged snack foods for my child/children *This question is required.
18. I feel pressure from others to provide packaged snack foods *This question is required.
19. Eating vegetables is necessary and beneficial to good health *This question is required.
20. It is important to me to be as healthy as possible *This question is required.
21. When I provide a healthy snack such as a vegetable my child/children never eats it *This question is required.
22. I am concerned about my child getting adequate food intake *This question is required.
23. Most people who are important to me approve of the foods I provide in my child’s/childrens lunchbox *This question is required.
24. I highly value the opinion of the people I love *This question is required.
25. My child/children expects me to provide them with the types of foods that other children eat *This question is required.
26. My child’s/childrens expectations in relation to food is important to me *This question is required.
27. My child/children carries on when I try to feed them vegetables *This question is required.
28. The happiness of my child/children is important to me *This question is required.
29. Providing vegetables as a lunch box snack is not considered normal in parental circles *This question is required.
30. Doing what other parents do is important to me *This question is required.
31. My child/children is very demanding so I give in to what my child/children wants *This question is required.
32. I am not good at managing stress *This question is required.
33. Feeling rushed in the mornings means it's easier to provide packaged snacks to my child/children *This question is required.
34. I don’t have the energy to make healthy food *This question is required.